Anyone else enjoying these warmer temperatures? I was able to get out last week & photograph the goose migration at the local wildlife refuge. What fun! To have the sun shining on my face & actually feel warm...
Now for the yard clean up. So many limbs and trees to rescue from the ice & snow damage from this past winter season. Our first snow arrived the 13th of December (early in our part of the country) and remained with white covered ground until the beginning of March. So glad to see green, needless to say St. Patrick's Day held special meaning this year... a green holiday to celebrate the green ground showing through the melting snows of winter.
This is also the time of year I revamp my pages and update everything. It brings my Wedding Anniversary, too. The earth is renewing itself so I do the same. I spent the early part of this week updating ALL of my Pinterest Boards, which you can find through the link on the right side of the page. I want to thank all of my viewers/followers and I hope that you are still enjoying my blog after 3 years. I hope that I am not boring you to death with my rants & raves; but, instead bringing you a chuckle every now and again along with giving you some helpful information, too.
I have expanded the products that I endorse & you can find links to those items on either side of my blog posts, be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of my page so that you do not miss any. I use ALL of these products and I would never endorse one without having used it myself. There is no better advertisement than an actual user. Yes, I do get a portion from sales that are linked from my site, so please be sure to click through the links I've provided you when purchasing. Imagine my surprise when I received my first commission check! I thank you graciously for making your purchases. My hope is to get more instructional information up about the use of each product and how they fit into my crafting world. It's been difficult since I have been working out of the home more and my time is even in more demand from my family. This past week was slower & next week is shaping up that way, too.
Stay turned for more FUN things to come. St. Patrick's Day parade tomorrow - hoping to have some photo tips for you.
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