19 March 2013

Malware on my site - YIKES!

1:50 PM

Dear Blog Users:

I was adding a post earlier today and noticed a few issues with my site.  I am trying to get these corrected, however with being a novice at this it will take me hours to research this issue to get it corrected.  I am hoping to get the issue corrected as quickly as possible.

Please know that any redirection to other sites from the home landing page is not on my part.  I hope that you will be patient with me & my site throughout this process.  Please continue to check back & I'll post updates on my progress with this issue.

I apologize in advance for the inconvenience.

Page Admin

2:30 PM

I made a few changes and I seem to have the redirect issue corrected.  Please message me if this continues to happen while you are visiting my page.

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