28 March 2014

35th Anniversary of TMI melt-down - Where were you?

Three Mile Island - present day...

TMI today - just down the road from my grandparent's old homestead

Yes, I do remember exactly where I was and what I was doing.  I was in 7th grade history class.  Our school had very few windows, but the one's it had were being closed and we were not permitted out for recess.  The teachers would not tell us anything, just that they were told to close the windows.  It was an unusually warm day too, for this early in spring.  At the time of the accident we lived just outside the 30 mile radius from the power plant in Lampeter, PA.  If this happened 2 years earlier or 2 years later I'd have been less than 6 miles from the power plant, in the 'suburbs' of Elizabethtown/Hershey, PA.  Currently I live with in 5 miles of the power plant.  It's amazing to think how differently things could have been if "this" or "that" would have transpired differently.

this is where I lived 2 years prior to the accident - less than 2 air miles from TMI

I remember the movie China Syndrome, and people thinking "that will never happen here" it's Hollywood, it's not a true story.  I remember the panic from the news media & some of the local residents.  Some left and never returned, very few though...I've found that many left for the recommended number of days with little ones or if they were expecting.  I remember it being a scary time because of all the unknowns in the moment of everything unfolding.  I also remember my mother concerned for her parents & sister (living with in 5 miles) in Elizabethtown.  Telephone lines were overloaded trying to contact family in the area.  My Uncle lived in Florida and was desperate to speak to the family here because the national news was reporting so much different than what the local news was reporting.  It took my uncle two days to reach my mother.  I remember the law suits that followed for cancer-clusters that were caused from the accident.  I also remember the distrust in the government & the utilities over sight after the release of the radio-active water into the river.  Only to then be told - it was "safe".  I know several of the people who worked there during the accident, and those who came after the accident to assist with the "clean up".  Like it's ever going to be "cleaned up" - not in several lifetimes!

In the weeks, months, and years that followed I remember the installation of the warning sirens and the countless public meetings and the private one's with EMA and local fire and police, and school representatives to come up with an evacuation plan should anything similar ever happen again, the distribution of the iodine (KI) pills to residents & updating those pills and setting up a yearly newsletter to the community of the steps being taken for our protection.  This evacuation system has been tested & was almost set into action a few times, but not for TMI - it was during 911 and the days that followed...and with Tropical storm Lee's flooding.  It's a good plan, I just hope it never needs to be used.

I also remember the X-men movie that refers to the "mutants" and then shows Three Mile Island (TMI) that was released several years ago.  Irony at it's best!  The natives here will tell you tales of three eyed fish in the river and surrounding creeks, fish with organs on the outside of their bodies, and even joke about everything "glowing in the dark".  On a serious note though, this was a horrible accident that could have gone awry in so many more ways than it did.  However, now, it is the most regulated & inspected nuclear site in the US, and one of the safest ones in the world because of the accident.  Below are photos of the Unit #2 reactor's cooling towers (what's left of them).

you may remember these from the scenes in X-men

you may remember these from scenes in the movie X-men

 Fast forward 35 years - there are 2 generations now that may not even know what happened here.  How do I feel about it all now?  I still do not totally trust nuclear power or those in charge of it, but I also know that anything that man produces causes harm to the environment one way or another.  My husband and I discuss it with our children every time another anniversary comes along.  We want them to understand that with 'power' such as this or any other that there also needs to be a responsibility to the habitat & residents.  This was not considered during this era.  Research & reports since then do not agree.  I believe I'll NEVER know the full truth.  My great-great grandchildren might eventually learn the full truth.  As much as I wish this facility could disappear, it does provide many good aspects to the surrounding community through jobs, grants, and other benefits to the area.

In September 2009 I came out to watch the transportation of the new turbines to the facility.  It was a huge event around here in our quiet community.  (The turbines were shipped in from France and came to the port at Inner Harbor, Baltimore Md, and were then transported overland on these special trailers.  There's a whole other post just in their journey to get here - I'll need to dig out all those articles.)  I even went without my husband who was still hospitalized for a blood clot at the time.  It was something I did not want to miss out on - a photo opportunity - and my husband was being released later that day.  Due to road closures, I was unable to wait for him to be released so that he could join me.

the 1st turbine coming down Rt. 441 from Falmouth

each set of wheels on these trailers could be turned individually

While I was preparing this post and collected my old photos of the turbines, I realized that I did not have ANY photos of the cooling towers from TMI.  SO I took a short trip to go get a few shots.  I also took some of the observation center that now sees nearly NO visitors that during the accident, you could barely get with in a mile of at the time.  I also took a photo of the farm where my father was born, a half mile from the river & TMI, which my grandfather farmed long long ago.

the sign post telling about the accident - in front of the observation center (now a training center)

what used to be the sign for the observation center

the observation building (current training center)

the home where my father was born & where my grandparent's lived - less than 1/4 mile from the cooling towers

Unit #2 reactor's containment building - this is where the partial meltdown occurred.

25 March 2014

~*~*~Our Wedding Anniversary~*~*~

It has been a couple of hectic days...I'm hoping to be more on top of things in the future. I do have a pretty good reason; Sunday was our 18th Wedding Anniversary. Here is a great past & present set of photos!

 30 years ago at my Junior prom...

18 years ago on our wedding day...

Last summer...church directory photos.

It has been some ride...can't wait for what the future holds for us.  

23 March 2014

*****St. Patrick's Day Parade*****

Yesterday was Lizzie's 1st parade (as a band member).  The weather was perfect for those who were marching.  Not too bad as a spectator either.  Here are a few photos from the day:

The parents always have hotdogs that they grill for the kids in the park as they are forming for the parade.  That way they aren't 'bored' while waiting for the parade to get organized and underway.  This was our 3rd time experiencing this parade.  We park in the parking garage, watch the band go past & a few other groups, then we leave before the end of the parade and miss all of the traffic from the end of the parade delays.  So glad that we had great weather this year.  Last year there was SNOW!

21 March 2014


Anyone else enjoying these warmer temperatures?  I was able to get out last week & photograph the goose migration at the local wildlife refuge.  What fun!  To have the sun shining on my face & actually feel warm...

Now for the yard clean up.  So many limbs and trees to rescue from the ice & snow damage from this past winter season.  Our first snow arrived the 13th of December (early in our part of the country) and remained with white covered ground until the beginning of March.  So glad to see green, needless to say St. Patrick's Day held special meaning this year... a green holiday to celebrate the green ground showing through the melting snows of winter.

This is also the time of year I revamp my pages and update everything.  It brings my Wedding Anniversary, too.  The earth is renewing itself so I do the same.  I spent the early part of this week updating ALL of my Pinterest Boards, which you can find through the link on the right side of the page.  I want to thank all of my viewers/followers and I hope that you are still enjoying my blog after 3 years.  I hope that I am not boring you to death with my rants & raves; but, instead bringing you a chuckle every now and again along with giving you some helpful information, too.

I have expanded the products that I endorse & you can find links to those items on either side of my blog posts, be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of my page so that you do not miss any.  I use ALL of these products and I would never endorse one without having used it myself.  There is no better advertisement than an actual user.  Yes, I do get a portion from sales that are linked from my site, so please be sure to click through the links I've provided you when purchasing.  Imagine my surprise when I received my first commission check!  I thank you graciously for making your purchases.  My hope is to get more instructional information up about the use of each product and how they fit into my crafting world.  It's been difficult since I have been working out of the home more and my time is even in more demand from my family.  This past week was slower & next week is shaping up that way, too.

Stay turned for more FUN things to come.  St. Patrick's Day parade tomorrow - hoping to have some photo tips for you.

20 March 2014

~~~~ Panstoria Spring Content Sale - 30% off ~~~~

Spring seems like it has been a long time coming this year, but it's finally here. To celebrate, we have marked down all digital content in the Panstoria.com store by 30%! That's right, all content from Panstoria, Creative Memories, Cottage Arts, pixels2Pages, Kaisercraft, Little Feet Digital Designs, and Simply Kelly Designs is now available for 30% off the original price.
No coupons are necessary, as the prices in the store have already been reduced.
The sale runs only through the end of March so get your content now.
Click here to browse the digital content.

(This is my affiliate link):

17 March 2014

St Patrick's Day

wanted to wish you all a Happy St Patrick's Day.  Many of us have different traditions.  I am not a cabbage eater, so no coleslaw or cabbage for me.  No corned beef either...I think it's the vinegar.  I just can't take the aroma of it Blech!  I know many of you enjoy it, and have at it.  I'll be curling up in my blankets in front of the fire, watching John Wayne & Maureen O'Hara in the Quiet Man.  Who knows I may find myself a leprechaun & a pot of gold.

14 March 2014

More Snow Geese & Tundra Swans

Today I took my daughter out of school about 20 minutes early today so that we could get ahead of the after school/work traffic and we ventured out to Middle Creek.  It was a good day, not a lot of crowding of the people today.  It was partly cloudy and the mercury climbed up to 48F degrees today with a light breeze.  Our favorite spot was full, so we drove to the east side of the lake and walked a trail to the lake's edge.  The lake was still solidly frozen!  Much to my surprise.  There was very little open water so the birds were all condensed in a very small area.  We were about 300 yards from the birds.

Lizzie found several feathers that made the trip back home & most likely will end up in a scrapbook with my pictures from today.  I think I did well, I took 122 photos, pared it down to 47 I liked best, then down to 30 photos that I really liked and will post in an album.  I will have them posted in an album on my Facebook page, it's much easier to add that many photos there and I'll include a direct link below...

Snow Geese Album Link: Snow Geese Album

I was so very disappointed that none of the geese were in the surrounding fields coming in today.  I have not seen them like that since 2008.  :(  Very sad. They were only on the ice & in the water.

This was the Migration count as of Tuesday:
Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area MIGRATION UPDATE:


Snow geese: 40,000+
Tundra swans: 2,000+
Canada geese: several thousand

13 March 2014

Snow Geese

For almost 10 years now we have been making the pilgrimage to Clay Township, Lancaster County, PA to see this wondrous sight.  The gathering of the Snow Geese, Tundra Swans, and Canadian Geese as they gather to make their flight northward each spring.

2005 was our first trip, just after our daughter had turned 4, she was able to walk well on her own & didn't require much assistance from us to walk the long paths back to the lake viewing areas.  The kids and our niece have all gotten so big since that 1st trip.   

Some things that we learned after our 1st trip:  dress warm no matter the temperatures (windy & ground is COLD).  Wear boots (it's muddy!) bring a mono-pod or tripod for the camera (long wait times for flight of the birds).  early afternoon on a weekday is best time to visit (less people).  Look for other birds, too (a lot of wildlife there to see).  Don't be afraid to drive the park's roads through the fields (can get many photos from the warmth of your car).

In 2008 we arranged to have our son's Pack Meeting at the information center and then the families could explore on their own afterwards.  This was a great experience for many of the families.  It introduced them to a great resource for nature close to home.  I was surprised at the number of families that had never done anything like this...

Our son is assisting his sister with viewing some of the geese that are out on the lake.  I love seeing them being like this, it doesn't happen as often as I'd like it to...tis a precious thing.

The kids were disappointed with this year's trip.  The bird count was WAY down from past years.

2010 was one of the largest gatherings here at Middlecreek.  The fields along the roads leading to the Wildlife Reserve were so FULL of birds.  Our son was not able to come that year b/c of track practice.  My husband and I and our daughter had a fun afternoon.

The geese were coming right up to our daughter.  She loved that they were getting so close to her, but watch those fingers...they are WILD and should always be approached with caution & NEVER feed them.

One tip I forgot to mention earlier: wear a hat & have towels in your car for clean up! They are flying over you & well, birds drop things on you and you are fair game as they take flight or are coming in for a landing.  It's not pretty.

2011 we only had to drive a few miles to see the geese.  They took over a local field along the nearby creek.  It was nice to have them SO close.  Here are some more photos from along the Conewago Trail.

Be sure to get outside with your camera & take those photos.  You'll NEVER regret having done so.

06 March 2014


Many great things are happening at Panstoria in recent days.  Check them all out here:

I have expanded my affiliate relationship with them to now include their print shop.  Please use the links below when making your purchases.  I will be updating my permanent links on the right side of the page to reflect these new changes.

Link for New Customers to Sign Up:


Link for Existing Customers to Sign Up:


Panstoria has also penned a new agreement with Creative Memories to extend the sale of the digital content until December 31, 2014.  So for all you procrastinators out there, this is your chance.  Please consider using my affiliate link when ordering your digital content.

Link for Digital Content:

<a href="http://www.shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=535583&u=862322&m=47864&urllink=&afftrack=">Buy digital content from Panstoria</a>


05 March 2014

Looking Back

March 5, 2014

A look back...

 It has been almost one year since consultants were notified about the 2nd bankruptcy filing.  I have ridden the waves for most of that ride until I resigned in November 2013.  I am removing my separate page for Ahni & Zoe, however I wanted to keep the information posted here for those who may wish to reference it in the future.  I have moved on to other avenues, and I know many of you have as well.  I have enjoyed my times with my past customers and count every one of you in my group of friends.  Should you have any questions feel free to contact me.


February 24, 2012

Announcement from:

My dear, dear friends. For 27 years it has been my humbling privilege to lead you: an incredible group of women (and a few brave men) as we have passionately shared the Creative Memories mission. My desire has been to lead with transparency and integrity through my words and deeds because you deserve nothing less.
I have truly shared your highs and lows as together we weathered the many changes. And, today, I am sharing another change that I believe I must make. Please know that much prayer has gone into this decision and my husband Mac is in complete support.

I have moved my mission to a new company. Why? Because I believe in the relevancy of this mission and I believe that with the right company, people can enjoy meaningful work and a rewarding income opportunity.
The business that has earned my confidence is Youngevity. They are a stable, quality-based organization that can take this mission to new heights. They already own Heritage Makers, the business that offers on-line digital album making. Youngevity is now working with me to offer photo albums and fast solutions for printed photos.

Youngevity believes that people deserve to have healthy bodies and healthy emotions. When they added album making, their customers gained the tools for emotional wellbeing. Like us, they believe albums make life better.

You have been such loyal, faithful friends and it would be my joy to hear from you. I am available by email: rhondakanning@gmail.com or phone: 970-460-9057.


February 10, 2014

From Ahni & Zoe by Creative Memories!

To serve former Creative Memories customers who are passionate about blank album pages....White Refill Pages and Page Protectors are available to order now, and will be open for sale indefinitely!!!

16 Page Protectors $10.50
16 Pages (12x12) with 16 Page Protectors (12x12) $29.50


Only available through their website.  

**NOTE: I am no longer a consultant, however I know many of you are searching for product.

November 25, 2013

I have made a decision to resign as a consultant with Ahni & Zoe by Creative Memories. This has been a long and tumultuous decision for me, and I did not come to it easily, however I am at a crossroads in my life and I needed to do what was best for me and the direction of my family's commitments.  I hope you will still continue to seek me out to service you for items you may have already purchased & I will gladly refer you to a current consultant to assist you.

Please feel free to stay in touch as I value each & every friendship I have gained during my years as a Consultant.  I still love the art and craft of scrapbooking, that has not changed.

Yours Truly,


From October 21st Reveal:
Welcome to Ahni & Zoe by Creative Memories!

There's nothing quite like a photo to make a person smile. From the tender moments to the hilarious to the ones that make us say, “I can’t believe I was there.” They define us and they unite us. For over 25 years, Creative Memories has been about creating connections, sharing smiles and telling stories. Now, we’re thrilled to share with you the next chapter: Ahni & Zoe. Who are Ahni & Zoe? They're all of us – from A to Z. Literally translated, the words mean “Beautiful Life.” And it’s that very translation that defines our mission:

We exist to inspire people to pull photos off their devices and into their lives . . . with products that help connect families and friends to unforgettable moments, letting them know they’re loved. We take great joy in providing a fun and rewarding opportunity that encourages all to seize the moments that make up their beautiful lives.

At Ahni & Zoe, we picture a world in which you can be the author of your own life story, adding meaning and joy to your life and the lives around you. We’ll help make this a reality through our award-winning products and the exciting opportunities they make possible. You’re already taking amazing photos. Isn’t it time you did something amazing with them? We’ll show you how to start. There’s no limit to where you finish.

October 20, 2013

Here is a link to the New Company catalog:  Ahni & Zoe catalog

For updates and new information I strongly urge you to visit Creative Memories Facebook Page and their Web Page  You can also continue to check in here and visit my Facebook Fan Page for the most recent information.

I thank you for your interest in this subject.  I have created a separate page for this so it does not clutter up my other blog page.

Thank You.



09 October 2013

Clarifications about rumors with Creative Memories & Panstoria from CM's CEO

Have questions related to CM Software?

October 9, 2013 at 3:10pm
Have questions related to CM Software? Here are a few points of clarification/things to consider related to the software:

Creative Memories and Panstoria are continuing to work together to transition existing Storybook Creator and Memory Manager customers to Panstoria, per our agreement before the Court dated September 26, 2013.

  • Panstoria has not “closed” the software, and has made a public commitment not to do so. Please do not give credence to rumors to the contrary.

  • Panstoria has offered the Panstoria Print Shop to enable customers to print from Storybook Creator. An update needs to be applied to your software to make this feature usable; please see the News Feed within your software for instructions.

  • Creative Memories is no longer offering digital printing from Storybook Creator, and CM has no immediate plans in the works to offer digital printing. We encourage our former StoryBook Creator customers to try the Panstoria Print Shop for their digital printing needs.

  • Creative Memories Consultants should determine whether signing up as a Panstoria affiliate is right for their unique circumstances or not.  Only individual Consultants can make this determination.

The Creative Memories team is putting all of our efforts into our renewal and re-launch. We’re excited about our future, and wish Panstoria and all of our former digital customers all the best as they move forward.

Thank you,
Chris Veit

30 July 2013

Creative Memories Bankruptcy and you – Update!!

It’s official, Creative Memories announced that it will close its doors on August 31st and release all its consultants as of September 1st. Then on November 1st a new brand with new photo products will start.

Here is what YOU need to know for getting your current projects done with the CM products you want:

July 31, 2013 updated

The Last Chance Orders


for select albums, pages, page protectors and frosted tape runner refills ends Wednesday, July 31st! If you need any of these items, NOW is the time to order them as they will only make what is ordered. Contact me today if you need any of these items to finish a project or set of albums!

August 21, 2013 updated

Last day to order online! Any While-Supplies-Last products can be ordered on my website up until August 21st. This is also the last day to use any Rewards Club Credits or other coupons you may have. After that you can contact me to order what is still available, or see what I have in stock.

For digital customers who want digital artwork

(http://www.creativememories.com/Content/Help/DigitalContent.aspx), this is the last day to purchase and download that artwork! This is also the last day to download any artwork you have previously purchased that is stored on your account. It is important that you have a copy of all your digital artwork, activation codes and program files backed up.

You will be able to order digital products at the Creative Memories Digital Center through the end of August. I will know more about digital printing moving forward shortly. It does look like Chris's Crafters Corner will have options for printing that may be fairly seamless, but more on that later.

August 31, 2013 updated

This is the last day of Creative Memories. It will be just shy of 8 years since I started helping people preserve their photos and stories. I will be sad to say good bye to Creative Memories. There are tools that I love and will continue to use. I will miss my fellow CM consultants more than anything else. I look forward to continuing my relationship with all of my customers and clients through Chris's Crafters Corner!

November 1, 2013 updated

A new brand with new photo products will begin. I will be looking at this new vendor to see if Chris's Crafters Corner will offer their products. I expect them to be the same high quality that made Creative Memories an industry leader in photo preservation. Technology has changed. How we use and view photos has changed. I am looking forward to see what innovations have been inspired by all this movement.

As CM departs, please know that Chris's Crafters Corner is here and will continue to help you tell your stories! As as Personal Photo Organizer, I have a number of vendor options open for you. I will be evaluating those to choose what we consider the best for you, my clients. In the meantime, I don’t want anyone to miss getting the retiring Creative Memories products that you may need or want, while you can get them. Check the dates above and contact me if you need help or have any questions. I am here for you.

Thank You Janell for this photo.
**Thank you to PSG Photo Solutions for this very well written notice & photo**



02 July 2013

http://chrisscrafterscorner.blogspot.com/2013/07/more-updates-from-cmho.html a link to my post about updates in the Chapter 11 filing.



28 May 2013

URGENT UPDATE: From the Creative Memories Home Office - the future vision for the company is for a simpler, easier business.

Given the complexity that comes with Product Credits and Coupon Code CDs (that include the $39.95 StoryBook Coupon) we’ve made the decision to stop selling them effective the end of this month, May 31. Though you will not be available to purchase after May 31st, you can continue to apply valid Product Credits and coupon codes on your Digital Center orders.

There is a Coupon Code CD in the Digital Top Pick, so effective June 1, that will be substituted with the Be Young Boy and Girl Content Collection CD 650701, found on pg. 125 of the Spring/Summer catalog).

Booking Bonus Packages B and D feature Product Credits, so they will be removed from the Host Rewards Program after May 31.

Should you have any questions or concerns please contact me, I'm happy to assist you.


20 April 2013

Dear Friends

Dear Creative Memories customers, friends and family,

First, I would like to apologize to you for not making you aware of this information sooner. I had to take time to digest the information for myself before I passed it along to you my dear customers, friends and family.

On Tuesday, April 16 Creative Memories notified all Consultants that the company was taking the necessary steps to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. This announcement came as a shock to everyone including me. The intention is for the Company to use this filing as a business tool to restructure and refocus on the mission, simply preserving memories! I want you to know that I still believe in this mission and the importance of telling your stories in a meaningful way.

I have been and always will be transparent with you about Creative Memories and the business. The Company is pursuing a simpler Creative Memories which in turn will put us on the path to stability. As the bankruptcy process moves forward, my expectation is to see the current product line streamlined and because of this I would encourage ordering any products that you have been wanting now versus waiting. We have already seen products become unavailable in the last few days.

I have faith that Creative Memories will be stronger by taking the steps outlined above. Still, you may want to consider using your Rewards Club/Product Credits if you have any as a precaution.

I am committed to keeping you, as my friends and customers informed as new details regarding product offerings and events arise.
The plan right now is to move forward operating the business as usual for both Creative Memories and me. With that said National Scrapbook Day (more info to come today) and all of my planned events are still on. My goal is to continue helping you preserve and document your stories, your way!

If not for Creative Memories I would have never had the opportunity to meet and become close friends with many of you. I believe in Creative Memories, I believe in the mission and I know, in my heart that the Company will be better after this and I plan to be a part of the new and improved Creative Memories!

Please visit Restructuring News section on our website at http://www.creativememories.com/restructuring/ There you will find some basic information, “A letter to our fans,” and “Chapter 11 FAQs” that you can read if you would like more information about the filing.