20 November 2014

Favors for Eagle Court of Honor

This morning I managed to finish the water bottle labels for my son's Eagle Court of Honor (COH).  To remove the labels, cut & put on the labels that I printed took me 90 minutes.  Not too shabby for two cases of water (70 bottles).  Oh, and I removed them from the plastic wrapping of the case & put them back into it...that way I didn't need to find another box for transporting to the social hall.  Neat trick, huh?!

Now to the nitty gritty.  I found the template & art work on Pinterest and saved it to my Eagle Scout Stuff board.  you can also find it here www.yourfreeart.net www.daisiecompany.com 

There are also several other templates available for candy bars, etc.  Be sure to check it out.

Here's my end result.  

Yes, I am aware of the typo on the label...just noticed it as I am preparing this posting.  Now the question becomes do I correct it or not?  (I still have SO much to get done).  At this point I'm reprinting them & if there's time I'll redo the labels.  UGH!  so exhausted and I have two more days until the COH.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, great blog, but I don’t understand how to add your site in my reader. Can you Help me please?
    Roll Labels
